Hail Damage? Don’t ignore it. We’re here to help.

If you notice hail damage to siding or gutters, it’s highly likely there is hail damage to the roof.  If you notice a large amount of granules washed into the gutters as they drain, that’s another indication that the roof has sustained heavy damage due to hail.

Once hail hits shingles, the granules are loosened and as they fall away, the asphalt which was protected by the granules is exposed to UV and the performance of the shingles becomes compromised.  Over time, the damaged shingles will crack and/or curl, allowing water to seep through creating leaks in the roof.  Furthermore, shingles damaged by hail are no longer covered under most manufacturers warranties.

Don’t wait until you notice something wrong.  Potential leaks can result in more expensive damage such as mold, electrical issues, and even damage to personal property.

Contact us today.  Experienced, Licensed, Insured, we work with all major insurance companies including American Family and State Farm.  We service the Greater Madison area, including Sun Prairie, DeForest and Waunakee as well the the Hayward, Wisconsin area.

Visit our portfolio to view photos from some of our recent jobs. You can find a hail damaged roof replacement project HERE.